
The treatment of acute exacerbation of acute treatment aims to alleviate airway obstruction as soon as possible to correct hypoxemia and restore lung function, prevent further deterioration or re-attack, prevent complications. Generally based on the synthesis conditions of the sub-treatment.
1. Away from dealing with acute asthma attack triggers, we should pay attention to find predisposing factors. The majority and contact allergens, colds, respiratory infections, climate change, the consumption of inappropriate drugs (such as anti-inflammatory drugs, β receptor antagonist, etc.), lack of strenuous exercise or treatment and other factors. To identify and control triggers will help control the disease, prevention of recurrence.
2. Regimen regimen in Table 1. To correctly understand and deal with severe asthma is to avoid an important part of asthma deaths. For severe asthma attack, should be treated under close observation. Treatment measures include
oxygen to correct hypoxemia; quickly to alleviate airway spasm: the preferred aerosol  2 receptor agonist, its efficacy is superior to aerosol. Would alsobinhalation  be adding ipratropium bromide (each 0.25mg) for aerosol inhalation. Necessary, repeat the application in 1 hour 2-3 times, improves instead of every 4-6 hours. If breathing is slow or stop the situation, can be used salbutamol 0.2mg or Terbutaline 0.25mg in 20ml normal saline slow intravenous injection. Intravenous use of aminophylline help alleviate airway spasm, but should pay attention to detail about the history of medication history and allergies to avoid duplication caused by the use of theophylline intoxication. Application of hormones should be enough, and timely. Common succinate hydrocortisone (300-1000mg / day), methylprednisolone (100-300mg / day) or dexamethasone (10-30mg / day) intravenous infusion or injection. However, the hormone usually takes 3 to 6 hours after the obvious anti-asthmatic effects. After the above >treatment does not alleviate the event of a PaCO2 was significantly higher (  60mmHg, extreme fatigue, drowsiness, blurred<50mmHg), oxygen under PaO2  consciousness, or even slow down breathing, it should be timely artificial ventilation; attention to concurrent Disease prevention and control: including: prevention and control of infection; to add sufficient volume of liquid and avoid sticky sputum; to correct severe acidosis and adjust the water and electrolyte balance, when the PH value of "7.20, especially when combined metabolic acidosis should be an appropriate make up base; prevention and treatment of spontaneous pneumothorax and so on.
Non-acute exacerbation of asthma treatment for the general treatment of asthma symptoms after the acute phase control, but chronic inflammation of asthma pathophysiology still exists, therefore, must develop a long-term treatment of asthma. The main purpose is to prevent further acute attack of asthma.



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