
Food is a basic condition of human life-sustaining, but to make people live a healthy and happy, full of vitality and wisdom, you are not satisfied enough food, but also must take into account the reasonable allocation of food to ensure that the human body needs a variety of nutrients intake into the balanced and adequate, and can be the body to fully absorb.

   Nutritional balance, we must first develop good eating habits. Can not be hungry, we should not eat too much, can not be addicted to some kind of partial to food, is also indispensable to a certain food. Also note that food hygiene, and in accordance with their own physical condition of certain food taboos, so that it can help prevent the disease from occurring, to achieve the purpose of longevity diet regimen.

   Dietary regimen is carried out by eating the. Application of daily food, according to different economic conditions, the different physiological and pathological need for conditioning regimen, not only fill their stomachs, more supplementary nutrition, healthy, illnesses and sickness, is a happy acceptance has been an important health tool.


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