
Of human red blood is precious river of life, protecting the blood is to protect life and health. To make your own blood from pollution, obstruction, cholestasis, we must attach importance to protect the blood. So, how to protect it's own blood is not contaminated?
Avoid chemical poisons: In the industrial enterprises in a variety of damage to the blood thing is a chemical poison. Such as methemoglobinemia caused by poison are: benzene, amino, nitro compounds, etc.; hemolytic anemia caused by poison are: arsenic hydrogen, aniline, nitrobenzene and so on. Particularly among the most serious arsine; affect the hematopoietic dysfunction poison are: benzene, antineoplastic agents, radioactive substances. Radioactive substances can inhibit bone marrow hematopoietic function, but also cause neutropenia.
Certain drugs used with caution: some therapeutic drugs for blood damage can not be ignored, such as chloramphenicol, adult daily dose of more than 50 mg / kg, in the blood concentration of more than 25 micrograms / ml. 1 ~ 2 weeks later, almost always impede the mature red blood cells. Followed by the sulfonamides, cyclophosphamide treatment of cancer and so on. Such as the use of these drugs inadvertently, will give rise to hematopoietic cells barrier function or tablets.
Smoking a small amount of alcohol: It tests show normal blood levels of carbon monoxide hemoglobin is only 0.5% ~ 0.7%, while smokers of carbon monoxide hemoglobin in blood up to 10% ~ 15%, while carbon monoxide in the smoke with the blood hemoglobin combined to make red blood cells lose their ability to transport oxygen. Smoking also makes hundreds of millions of red blood cells can not get a timely repair, so that ministries organ damage, resulting in reduced white blood cell count. In addition, the wine can expand blood vessels, accelerate blood circulation, but large quantities of drinking alcohol, can cause alcoholism. Therefore, all suffering from heart, kidney, brain, liver diseases and other functions were not drinking liquor.
Aggressive treatment of parasitic diseases: some of the parasites to be more damage to the blood can not be underestimated, such as hookworm both blood-sucking, but also secrete toxins, so that blood clotting bleeding site difficult, resulting in loss of blood caused by chronic anemia; tapeworm in the intestines to seize or hinder the hematopoietic factors binding caused by anemia; schistosomes can cause liver, spleen and severe damage, but also can cause anemia. Therefore, people suffering from parasitic diseases should be actively treated.
Pay attention to diet: the diet should provide adequate blood raw materials, so that the blood to maintain normal red blood cells and hemoglobin content. Red blood cell development requires iron, copper, vitamin, folic acid, etc., the lack of a certain blood factor can cause anemia. Therefore, in the diet, we should regularly eat iron, protein, folic acid, vitamin-rich food such as eggs, milk, fish, dry beans and bean products, vegetables and so on. In order to protect the blood clean, unsaturated fatty acids should be eating more vegetable oils, such as peanut oil, sesame oil, soybean oil, etc., can improve the distribution of cholesterol in blood vessels, so that plasma cholesterol transfer to the blood vessels outside the organization, and can reduce platelet adhesion, while also has anti-clotting effect. According to experimental results show that regularly eat foods containing fiber can lower blood cholesterol levels. Amount of water to drink every day, especially in the early morning drink a glass of water, have access to clean the blood, promoting metabolism, eliminate toxins role.
Regular exercise: exercise can change the chemical composition of the blood, helps prevent hardening of arteries. Protection of the blood, maintaining the health of the cardiovascular system. Should always attend endurance-based sports projects, such as jogging, ball games, mountain climbing and so on.


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